Friday, December 16, 2011

baking cookies with Grammie

Today was my Papa's birthday, so my mom, Allie and I went out to lunch with him at Chevy's in the square. It was really good! 

 Momma, Allie & Papa

 So sweet!

 I love that Allie is looking at him

Allie was so cute! She sat in her high chair, with her cover of course, and ate her lunch while we ate. She squealed and talked and entertained everyone that was in there. She was so good! Especially since it was only the second time she has ever sat in a highchair at a restaurant. 

 We then walked to the square and took a few pictures. It was so nice outside today, not at all like December weather should be! 

After lunch Allie and I went back to my mom's house to bake cookies. She is starting a tradition with Allie. They are going to bake sugar cookies, or as Nick calls them "cut out cookies" every Christmas. I cannot make these, I loose my patience way to easily when they don't look perfect. Allie had so much fun with her Grammie and Mommy took waaaaaayyy too many pictures. But I cherish them all.

 Allie and Grammie in their aprons

 Allie chose to make a star shaped cookie first!

 Grammie pushed them into the dough and Allie picked them up

 love these chubby hands

 putting them on the cookie sheet

 grabbed the dough!

 she had such a tight grip

 and she was not letting go!

 then she dropped it on the floor: a treat for Nobis

 we washed our hands

 and played with everything in the sink!

 love this girl so much!

 we took a break to see Nobis: Allie loves him!

 Grammie and Allie's first sugar cookies!

I know my mom and Allie both had so much fun and I can't wait for next year. Allie will love it even more. I am so thankful to have such involved parents and Allie is the luckiest little girl!

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