Thursday, August 16, 2012

16 months

Allie! Where has the time gone? You are 16 months old and growing, changing & expressing your amazing personality more & more every day! Here's what you're up to this month:

You wear a size three diapers.
You wear 18 months clothes & some 24 months pajamas.
As of your 15 month appointment, which was about 6 days before you turned 16 months you weighed 24 pounds 10 ounces and were 31 inches long.
You wear a size 6 shoe.
You are still a little picky when it comes to food.
You love Cheerios, Cascadian Farms cinnamon crunch, Earth's Best french toast sticks and raisin toast for breakfast.
You love your milk in the mornings but LOVE your Friday morning juice. You have tried organic apple juice and organic grape juice. We just bought organic cranberry pomegranate and I can't wait to see what you think about it! I will mix either some apple or grape with it to cut down the bite cranberry has.
Lunch is a bit trickier because you don't want a lot of things right now. We have tried peanut butter and jelly. You ate it the first time and haven't been interested in it since. You will eat string cheese, but only if I hand you the whole stick! You love Plum Organics Jammy Sammy, so you eat that with some munchies.
You liked blueberries, but lately won't eat them!
You love grilled chicken, especially grilled nuggets from Chick-fil-A.
You're favorite vegetable at the moment are peas! You love them. You are so adorable when you eat them too. You pick them up with your first finger and thumb one at a time and you eat them so fast! You stuff as many as you can in your mouth and then chew.
You love bath time. You get so excited when we have a lavender bath and it makes bubbles in the water.
You still need and want your paci most of the day, especially when you are tired and sleeping.
You have the best and sweetest personality, but you can still fake cry easily whenever you feel the need. 
You also still fake cough occasionally. You're a mess!
When you are eating, if the dogs are out, they stand around you hoping you drop food. And if they are there you throw them things. I just think you are being sweet and sharing because you look over the side of your tray and see if there is a dog there, pick up something and drop it for them, watching as they all pounce and gobble it up. 
When you are finished eating and don't want any more of what is on your tray you will take it one by one and drop it on the floor. 
Your hair is so very long and without a clip or bow in, it hangs over your face and you can't see. You are so cute because you try to brush it out of your face with your sweet little hand. You have always been good with bows and clips in your hair, maybe because you have had one in since the day you were born, but you still hold so very still when I go to put it in your hair. Did I mention you're the best??
When you are eating if food gets on your lips or around your mouth you will wipe it off with your hands.
You absolutely love to play peek-a-boo! You like to stand behind Daddy and I and wait for us to turn our heads around to "find" you and say, "boo!" You crack up laughing and wait for us to do it again.
You also love to play with your hands over your eyes or you will pull the towel up over your face after bath as we say, "where's Allie?" "there she is!" You think it is the best game. You LOVE to be scared. The louder and more off guard we can catch you when we say, "boo" the louder you laugh!
You play in your playroom most of the day with me and you go from toy to toy playing. You can manipulate all of them correctly and you know how each of them work. Aunt Cathy and Uncle Tony got you a little rocking chair last Christmas and we recently put it back in your playroom. You LOVE to sit in it and line your animals from Noah's Ark on the arm of the chair. You are a bit of a perfectionist and get so mad that you throw your head back and scream when you rock forward and they fall. That is your favorite thing to do in your playroom other than look out of the window. You will come over, reach your hand for mine and pull me to the window wanting me to pull the blinds up so you have a clear view. You also still love for me to hold you as you stand on your shelf to see your fish oh oh. 
You are so cute because you will pick things up and bring them to me and Daddy as if to say, "fix it". Especially if you are playing an app on our phones and you exit out of it or it comes to a place where you can't touch the screen to make it go to the next slide. It's adorable, you bring it to us and stand and wait patiently as we fix it. 
We recently got a different gate that blocks off your playroom from the kitchen. You can reach your little arms through it and if Daddy leaves the garage door cracked you will grab it with your fingers and swing it open.
You are still a Mommy's girl and need me, but you will let Daddy rock you to sleep in the middle of the night and you LOVE to call him, especially when we face time with him. All I have to do is pick up my phone and ask you if you want to call Daddy and you get the biggest grin on your face. You stare at the phone waiting for Daddy to answer.
Anytime you see yourself in the mirror or when you are face timing with Daddy you stick your tongue out! It's so cute and you do it every single time!
You love to brush your teeth and we have recently (I should have been doing it all along) started brushing your teeth after breakfast too. You love the song we sing and willingly open your mouth while I brush.
You love to be chased, especially by Daddy as you run through the house. You will run to your room and shut the door giggling and then open it up to see him only to shut it quickly again. Daddy's reaction gets you all giggly as he acts like you are hitting him with the door.
You do not like to be restrained or feel confined. We took you to the doctor for your 15 month appointment and you cried through a good portion of it. You haven't liked having your head measured since your very first well check up. This time you cried and cried. Oh goodness, then she took your temperature (in your ear). It was the first time you have had your temperature taken and you did not like it! You screamed and tried and tried to pull away from her. She ended up scratching the inside of your ear. Then Dr. Smith came in and wanted to listen to your lungs and heart. I held you and he held your arm and put the stethoscope on your chest and you were trying with all of your might to pry his fingers off of your arm. You were crying and looking at me so pitifully. Broke my heart. It was your nap time, but you didn't like being weighed or measured. You wanted Mommy and only Mommy to hold you and you did not want to be messed with.
After bath time and after we brush your teeth we walk through the bedroom and tell the dogs night night and you have to push the button and touch the screen on the alarm panel before we go to your room.
You have a pretty set schedule. You wake up anywhere between 5 and 8. You nurse and then about 30 minutes later you eat breakfast. Around 10 you go down for a nap. You typically sleep for an hour and you eat Yo Baby Yogurt when you get up for your morning snack. Around 12 you eat lunch. You then go down for your second nap between 1 and 2 depending on how you slept the night before. You then are up between 2 and 3. You nurse when you wake up and sometimes eat an additional snack before supper. We eat around 5:30 and then you are ready for bath, nursing and night night.
You haven't been sleeping very well at night. I know you are cutting teeth and I am praying they come through soon so we all can get a good night's sleep. 
You are such a happy, go with the flow baby. You love to go shopping, especially if where we are shopping has a buggy you can ride in. You are a snacky shopper! You have to have something to eat and you are happy. You love to eat Happy Baby melts.
You love just about anything that Earth's Best, Plum Organics, Annie's or Happy Baby makes. I love that there are so many organic options for you not just as a baby, but as you grow. 

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