Sunday, June 17, 2012

14 months!

Allie, where has the time gone? I can't believe you are 14 months old. You are such a big girl now and you are so very independent. However you love your Mommy and are in the deep stages of separation anxiety. There are times that you won't even let Daddy put you in the car, even if I am standing right next to him. You just want Mommy. (I love that, if I am being honest.) I love that you want me, I love that you need me and I love how much you depend on me. I love when you wake up at night and the only thing you need is for Mommy to hold you and you melt into my arms and fall back to sleep. I am so very thankful that you have allowed me to rock you, or for a short period bounce you, to sleep every night since the day you were born. It is one of my most favorite times of the day, but my most favorite time of day is anytime you are awake. I love every single second I get to spend with you. I pray that you will always love me and depend on me as you grow and change. I pray that you always know you can trust me and that no matter what I will be here for you. I pray that we have not only a mother-daughter relationship, I hope we have a friendship. I pray that we stay close and that you always love me the way you do now. I love you so very much Allianna! Here is what you are up to this month!
You wear a size 3 diaper.
You wear 18 months clothes, although you wore your first pair of 24 month pajamas the other night!
You wear somewhere between a size 4 and 5 shoe, depending on where we buy them from. You have two pairs of Stride Rite shoes- one is a size 4 the other is a 4.5 and your sandals from Target that you just outgrew are a 5. Sizing is crazy and unfortunately this is true of all girls shoes and clothes! :)
You love just about any kind of meat that you try. You love steak, grilled chicken, roast, scallops and shrimp. Daddy and I joke that you could be on the Dukan diet with us because you love meat so much. 
You love for Daddy to make you a waffle. You want us to put the whole waffle on your tray and you will pull off pieces. You can eat almost an entire waffle (belgian) by yourself!
You love anything that we have tried that is made by Annie's, Earth's Best, Gerber Organic or Plum Organics. Cookies, crackers, fruit strips, fruit twists, bunny snacks, you love it all.
You love to eat Cheerios in the mornings. You also like raisin toast.
While you are eating you like to watch Jake and The Neverland Pirates or Toy Story. 
When you are finished eating I wipe down your tray, your hands and then your face. You never cry or try to pull away while I am doing this, you just sit there and wait until I am finished.
You drink 2% Organic milk every morning with your breakfast, after that you drink ice water. You like juice and when offered you will drink it, but we mainly give you water. You are the cutest thing drinking out of your straw from your sippy cup.
You try new foods every day it seems, although you do get picky when you are teething. And when you are cutting new teeth you won't let me brush them. 
You are cutting teeth like crazy, even molars! You have 13 teeth!
You still need your paci most of the day, but especially when you are sleepy, at bedtime or in the car.
When I am rocking you to sleep you either cuddle into me or you lay on your back all stretched out to fall asleep. Either way you spin your paci in circles trying to fall asleep. You will turn in upside down, put your hand down, turn it right side up, put your arm down. You do this over and over. It's so sweet.
You will also rub my arm with your sweet hand. I love it!
You sleep in your sleep sack at night and you will until you are at least 2 if not until you are 3. Mommy wants to make sure you are safe at night. We love you so much. 
You sleep pretty well at night. You will go to sleep between 7-8, wake up at 12-1 to nurse and then around 6. You typically will not go back to sleep after 6. You go down for your first nap around 10-10:30 and your second nap around 1-2. We have started something new at nap time. We bought black out shades and they make your room pitch black even during the middle of the day! We also are reading you a story and putting you in your sleep sack. We are hoping it will help you sleep better and longer during the day. Right now you average about half an hour.
You love to grab my hand or hands and pull them to cover your face. You smash your face into my hands. I don't know why, but you think this is hilarious. You do it all the time!
You love bath time and you have become quite the entertainer during that time. 
You love to "check the water temperature" like Mommy does, then you "adjust the knob" and "check" it again. It is the cutest thing. 
Your favorite bath toys right now are your ball toy that drains water and your fishing pole.
You love playing in the tub with Daddy. You will hold your water cup up to Daddy's face so he will talk into it. You love the sound his voice makes echoing in the cup. 
You let us know you are ready to get out of the tub by pushing your washcloth into the floor and standing next to the tub looking at me.
Once I get you out of the tub, while I am drying you off you will grab both of my cheeks with your sweet, chubby hands and pull my lips to yours. I love your sweet open mouthed kisses! Talk about melting my heart!
I put your diaper on, lotion you up and when I sit you up you do the funniest "dance" I have ever seen! You wiggle and smile and you love when Daddy and I laugh. It is the cutest thing and I am so very glad we have it on video to share with you one day.
You sit so very still when I am combing your hair. You love for me to brush it, especially if I am using my brush. You think it is so neat if I use Mommy's brush on you. You look at yourself in the mirror and I say, "look! who's that pretty girl?!" and you just smile and rest your head in my neck.
When I clean your ears and your earrings you sit super still and don't move until I am done. You are the best baby!
You sit still when I am putting your clip or bow in your hair too. You will even turn if I ask you, "can you turn this way please?". You pull your bow or clip out when we get in the car and get going unless you are extremely tired.
You find shows and movies funny now. You get their humor and you will laugh. You also get concerned for the characters and you get this adorable look on your face. You look just like me!
You LOVE to dance, not only after you get out of the tub. Anytime you hear music you dance. You will dance in your high chair and especially in the buggy when we are shopping! I love to watch you "dance" in the buggy!
You are a snacky shopper! When we are in Target or Wal-Mart you can easily go through an entire bag of melts! You are so cute sitting in the buggy. You love to hold my hands and and I love that you grab mine!
You are still a Mommy's girl for sure, but you LOVE your daddy. Every day you go outside with him to check the mail. In fact if Daddy opens the door and doesn't take you with him, like when he is taking the dogs out, you will scream when he closes the door. You love when he comes home from work or the store or just when he opens the garage. You love to pull open the door and sit on the gate and wait for him. You can hardly contain yourself while he washes his hands so he can pick you up! It is the sweetest thing! You love to call Daddy, but you especially love to face time with him. You get the biggest grin on your face when we call him and you love to "carry" him around with you. It makes Daddy a little sick, but you love to carry the phone and let him talk to you.
You LOVE to shake things. If you are holding something and I say, "Allie, shake, shake, shake!" you'll shake whatever is in your hand. It is so cute because you shake both of your hands, even if you only have something in one of them. 
You LOVE your fish. You are on your second fish. We bought you one from Wal-Mart and "Uh Uh" died. It was very sad. We went to Petsmart and bought you another fish. We named him "Gah Gah". You LOVE him! You climb your shelf to see him every day, multiple times a day. You get so very excited to see him. I love it! 
There are a few words you will say: hi, dada, momma, uh-oh, whoa, and a bunch of jibber jabber words. I love that you talk all day long!
You also wave. You wave with your hand opening and closing now! You don't wave your whole arm anymore. It's precious! You also make this open, closed hand motion when something is good and you want more.
You can walk through the entire house all by yourself. When you wake up from nap you like to be put down in your room and walk out all by yourself. 
You love your shoes and you know where we keep them. You will walk from the living room, through the kitchen, down the hallway, stop and wait for me to open your door, you push it open, look up for me to turn on the light, walk to your closet, open the doors, grab your shoes from your toy box, close the doors and head back to the living room. You will walk this path over and over. You think it is so much fun to open all the doors and to carry your shoes. You carry at least two shoes, but most of the time you have three in your hands. While walking you will also stop to open the doors on the entertainment center. You will sometimes pull things out, but you are mostly interested in opening and closing the doors. You also love to open and close the doors to the laundry room and to open the drawers in your bedroom. If Mommy is doing laundry and is in the laundry closet you like to close me in and then open them back up again. You will pull the drawers all the way open, look inside and then close them again.
You know that the knobs on the doors open them, but you can't figure out how to work them. You will go to the door to the garage and reach up on your tip toes and grab the knob. You are so cute, it's as if you are asking to be taken outside.
You love, love, did I say LOVE? To be outside! Just walking around in the yard makes you so happy. Although right now you love to sit in the garage by the door and play with the dog leashes! You love to go on the front porch and ring the wind chime. You will reach up, grab the bottom and shake it and give the biggest grin!
When you get excited about something you make the cutest sound and you straighten your arms and legs really tightly. It is the most adorable thing!
You absolutely love to be chased and you like it even more when you are caught. We will say, "I'm gonna get you!" and we will "chase" you, grab you and pull you in for a hug or a kiss. This is your favorite game!
You love to walk. Anywhere. Everywhere. You know when we get your shoes on that means we are going somewhere and you get to walk. You love to put your shoes on now and I love that! You are on the go all the time and I just love your sweet little self. You are the cutest thing ever!
You tend to make the rounds daily in your playroom, playing with each toy for a short amount of time. You love your princess car that Grammie and G-Da got you for Christmas and you LOVE the baby doll they got you even more. I refer to her as "baby", Daddy calls her "Miss Bee". Either way you love her! You play with her eery single day and you have gotten to where you like to take her in the car with you when we go places. You will pick her up, hold her by the hand and carry her around the room. You also "give her love" by kissing her face. You will smash your face into hers, it is the sweetest thing. You will also bring her to me so that I can give her love. You hand her to me and wait for me to kiss her cheeks. You smile and then take her back.
You love to feed the dogs food on your tray that you don't want. You will hold food out over the edge and wait for a dog to come close. They will either try to eat it out of your hand or you will just drop food, pick up another piece and drop it again. Daddy and I don't like this, but it's so funny to watch you feed them. We do not let them lick your hands though.
When you are done with your sippy cup for the moment most of the time you will put it in the cup holder on your tray, but sometimes you shove it off your tray and into the floor. You look over and say, "uh-oh". We laugh most of the time, but sometimes you do it so much it isn't so funny. Mommy always reminds herself that you are learning and that you love to do things over and over and so I pick it up, say, "uh-oh" along with you and give it back to you. You are so cute, there's no way I could ever be mad at you. 
You watch some if not all of Toy Story every single day. You love the beginning and then after Buzz and Woody get lost you don't watch until they escape from Sid's house. You love the ending.

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