Sunday, May 13, 2012


My sweet baby girl, how are you already one? I can still remember the day you were born and holding you for the first time. I have enjoyed watching you grow and change into the beautiful toddler you are becoming. Here is what you are up to this month:
You wear a size 3 diaper.
You wear some 12 months, but mostly 18 months.
You are in 18 month pajamas now.
You wear a size 4 1/2 wide in shoes.
You are sleeping so much better now! You sleep anywhere from 11-13 hours a night without waking. We are so very thankful for the full nights sleep and you nap so much better during the day!
You wake up between 7-8 and nurse, then you play in your playroom. You love to help me open all of the blinds. You will pull the cord and we will say, "good morning!" You smile so big and can't wait to get to the next window. Around 9:00 you are ready for breakfast and you eat Gerber Organic cinnamon apple oatmeal. While eating you like to watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney. You like the never night star, Peter's musical pipes and Peter Pan returns.
After you eat we go play. We just bought a small book shelf to go in your playroom for your books and some of your toys. Your most favorite thing to do is stand in front of it and pull every toy off one by one. Sometimes you play with them but most of the time you pull them off and then go on to something else. I try to pick them up quickly and quietly so you don't trip and fall, but the minute you know I am picking them up your crawl super fast over and pull them all back off again!
You can walk by yourself! Daddy and I are so proud of you. You will take 2 steps, 5 steps and sometimes you will RUN across the room! However you love to hold my finger and walk. That takes up most of your day! You will walk and walk and walk. If my hand is on the ground or in my lap you will pick it up and grab my finger and start walking.
You will take your first nap around 10-10:30. We go in to your room and I rock you to sleep. I love rocking you. You snuggle in to me and I just love it.
When you wake up from your nap you don't cry. You stand up hit your hand on the front of your crib, throw your paci and say, "uh-oh!" Daddy and I will sometimes race in to see who can get to you first. We love it when you wake up. You typically only sleep 15-45 minutes, so we are racing around to get things done in that short period of time! Ha!
You are eating so many new things now and when it comes to lunch I am trying to get creative. You like deli turkey, string cheese and goldfish. You love hotdogs too! You will also eat anything that is on my plate. In fact if it is on my plate you will stare it down until I cut you some and put it on your tray. It's adorable! You will try anything!
Bath time is one of your most favorite times of day. You get so excited when me, you and Daddy go into the bathroom. Daddy still puts on his bathing suit and gets in with you. You love it! You don't cry or put up much of a fight to get out either. You will lay on the towel and let me lotion you and put on your jammies. You are such a sweetheart!
After I dress you when we stand up to brush your teeth and comb your hair you will snuggle in and give me a hug. I just squeeze you until you pick your head up off my shoulder. I love, love, love when you hug me. I pray that you will always hug me like that. You are such a little cutie pie. You will stay so still and let me comb your hair, then you will pull your paci out of your mouth and let me brush your top teeth, bottom teeth and even your tongue! You are the best baby!
At night and nap time, but mostly at night time you want to play and laugh before you snuggle up to go to sleep. I will tickle your neck and the palms of your hands and you just cackle. I love your deep belly laugh, when you can't control it and you just die laughing.
You love it when Daddy prays. You will stop nursing, turn your head and look at him. When we sing Jesus Loves Me you look at Daddy and you like to touch his face while we sing. I love the way he loves you and you love him.
We have gotten to where when you wake up after your nap you will walk from your room to your playroom . You always at least attempt to make a pit stop at the tv stand to play with the cabinets. You are so cute though because you don't really care about what's inside or pull anything out, you just love to open and close the doors.
You think the dogs are hilarious. Heaven forbid one of them scratch or run by you, you will die laughing! When they walk by or come up to you you love it. Your favorite dog has to be Taylor. You love to touch and pet her. She is the best with you. She will let you pet her, even if you aren't as gentle as she would like. But you absolutely love all of our dogs and we are so grateful you do.
When we are out shopping you love to walk. You will ride in the buggy if there is one available, but if we let you out of the buggy we are not getting you back in! You will walk, no matter how tired you are.
When we are in the car you couldn't care less about holding a toy. You want your paci pod. You will have one clipped to your bib, one in your mouth, one in your hand and your other hand in the paci pod. It's so cute!
You love to run or walk really fast and if you are holding our finger and if we do not walk or run as fast as you you will fall over sideways because you are depending on us to hold you up.
Sometimes when you are standing, mostly in the tub, if my hands or Daddy's are on your waist you will push them off. You are so very independent!
You are so funny because you know how to manipulate all of your toys, however you will take balls and or other parts and put them in toys where they don't belong. You have a Noah's Ark. Noah never stays on the Ark! He always ends up in your ball pit or in the elephant that spits out balls. It's hilarious!
At nap time when I lay you down you roll onto your left side. You either stay there or roll onto your belly to sleep. However at night when I lay you down you lay on your back with your arms straight above your head.
You like the intro or advertisement to Chuggington and you love the dancing Robot on Disney!
At both nap time and bed time you fall asleep faster if I am talking. I think my voice is soothing to you.
Daddy and I have so many nick names that we call you. From day one you were my puddin' pop. I don't know why or where it came from, but that is what I have always called you. Daddy calls you boogie. There are many derivations to the names we originally created. We are very good at coming up with nick names. We call you little lady, love button, angel cakes, cakes, boogs, punkin', cutie patootie & popper. We just love you so much it is easy to come up with sweet names for you!
Happy first birthday my sweetness!

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